Bill Curley Persuaded Into Acquiring Ethereum & Disregarding Bitcoin

Bill Gurley describes he is persuaded by the authenticity of Ethereum which convinced him to give preference to ETH coins over Bitcoins in acquiring ETH coins for his personal portfolio. He acknowledges that he was convinced after looking at the arguments presented by the Ethereum community regarding the world’s 2nd top crypto coin.

Bill Gurley of Silicon Valley, which is a California based venture capital company has grown affection towards cryptocurrencies. However, his interest is particularly inclined towards the second lead crypto of the world Ethereum rather than the lead coin, Bitcoin. Apparently he has his own reasons for disregarding Bitcoin and giving priority and preference to Ethereum.

Bloomberg got the chance to interview Gurley recently where Gurley not only apprised his viewpoint regarding crypto but also made some revelations.

The first thing he told Bloomberg’s interviewer was that he felt regretful for him for turning his attention towards cryptocurrencies so late. He said he feels sorry for him because he missed the opportunity although he was constantly motivated to invest in Bitcoin. However, throughout this time, his entire focus was diverted towards direct listings and did not even try to peek into where the entire world was after.

He then told that he only took crypto more seriously some four months ago. It was in April when he started to read news and articles along with analysis in respect of cryptocurrencies. Most of the things he read and learned about was Ethereum and from the Ethereum community.

He said he developed interest in what the Ethereum community was arguing about and finally he was convinced that Ethereum could be his next bet. Gurley then informed the interviewer that after being convinced, he made up his mind that he should immediately get some ETH coins for him. He is glad that he made up his mind and acquired ETH coins into his personal portfolio, claimed Gurley.

The interviewer then asked Gurley to let the public know how much ETH coins he had bought. However, he denied to reveal the number of ETH coins available in his personal portfolio. He responded that he would have told the numbers if the ETH acquisition he had done on behalf of his firm. However, since the acquisition is for his personal use, therefore, he would like to keep it confidential without disclosing it.

Gurley said that he was amazed that within cryptocurrencie there is one which has multifarious uses to offer. He even said that Ethereum is dynamically unique amongst the “uniques”. What he liked about Ethereum was its openness towards “changes” which eventually reduces the fee that is in the benefit of everyone. He also appreciated Ethereum for having the best developers on its network and regarded Ethereum blockchain as “developers’ camp”.

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