NFTs Bought Against Cryptocurrency Payments Continues On Trending, Attracts Justin Sun of Tron

The founder of Tron, Mr. Justin Sun too could not resist the overwhelming trend of NFTs and ended up being attracted towards an NFT of his liking i.e. Cryptopunks famous figurine of “Joker” which according to him resembles Marvel’s notorious villain character “Joker” – Batman’s worst enemy.

The trend of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is overwhelmingly increasing each day. The trend is successfully attracting every sort of person from every field of business, including the general public as well. It is also a good source of generating funds for those in possession of things that could be of greater interest for others.

NFT market is so widespread that anything could be transformed into an NFT. A month ago, a person in Pakistan was able to successfully sole a “meme” through an NFT. For many people, buying an NFT comprising of a meme may be a wastage of money and a foolish idea. But the man from Pakistan earned millions in his native currency by selling the meme. This is why it would be preposterous to even assume that NFT is “rubbish” or a “waste of money”.

More surprisingly, an NFT has been sold against a whopping amount of US$ 10.5 Million very recently. The NFT owner, Justin Sun, who paid this huge amount of money, the founder of a crypto smart contract firm called “Tron”. The NFT purchased by Sun was part of the NFT series of Tpunks and contained an imagery figure of “Joker”. Sun claimed that the character joker reflects the famous Marvel villain character known as “Joker” from Batman series.

Normally purchasing of an NFT requires payment to be made in cryptocurrencies. The most demanded cryptocurrency against the purchase of NFT is Ethereum and Bitcoin is on number second. There is a reason for the active use of Ethereum for NFTs which is that as compared with Bitcoin, Ethereum is much cheaper. On the other hand, Ethereum’s network is an acclaimed best blockchain network of the world which is even smarter than Bitcoin. For this reason, NFTs markets’ preferred mode of crypto payment is usually, Ethereum and Bitcoin is used in rare cases. However, it also depends upon the NFT creator as to which particular cryptocurrency he or she wants to use as payment.

At the present moment, NFT market is overrun by a number of popular NFTs and Tpunks series of NFTs are amongst one of them. Both, Marvel and DC Universe, too have stepped into the NFT market and has sold or in the process of creating NFTs. Amongst both of them, Marvel was the first, which issued NFTs comprising of its famous super-hero character “Spiderman”. There are currently a number of NFTs projects in the pipeline with Marvel and DC Universe. Both parties are taking their long competition in the NFT market as well which is good for buyers’ perspective.

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